!! Updated information about OK compost HOME !!
OK compost HOME is not based on one standard, but is the basis for several standards!
It is important to point out that the certification program Ok compost HOME does not explicitly refer to a certain standard, but lists all technical requirements a product has to meet to obtain certification. It should also be remembered that the requirements of the OK compost HOME programme, which were defined in 2003 and have never been questioned since, have served as a pioneer in this field and as a basis for the development of several standards, such as the following:
- Australia: AS 5810 (2010) - Biodegradable plastics - Biodegradable plastics suitable for home composting
- France: NF T 51800 (2015) - Plastics - Specifications for plastics suitable for household composting
- Europe: prEN 17427 (2020) - Packaging - Requirements and test scheme for carrier bags suitable for treatment in well managed household composting plants